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Claims, Inc. represents families and business owners across the country in property loss insurance claims. 
Since 1953, Claims, Inc. has been serving the insured, both residential and commercial, across the state of Michigan. Our state licensed executive public adjusters represent your interests in the claim process with experience,
knowledge, and the ultimate expertise.  We represent residential and commercial claims and specialize in fire and water damage.

The insurance claims process is complex and difficult to navigate; it is imperative that you are prepared from the start.
Claims, Inc. will make sure you are prepared from the very beginning of your claim process.  We will help you navigate through insurance policy language, prepare property inventories, and more.  Our established contacts in the legal, insurance, and building communities ensure that you have a team of experts seeing your claim through to completion.  Our services are crucial to ensure that there is no delay in your claim process, and to expedite your financial recovery.

Our best references are the countless referrals from past clients.  Our clients have recovered millions of dollars 
well beyond what the insurance companies offered to pay. Don’t wait any longer. 

Call now before any mistakes are made:
(734) 369-2824 

Our team of state licensed, executive public adjusters will get you the settlement you want as well as need to rebuild your life.

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