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Dear Craig: I was pleased to deliver our check in the amount of $14,500 being the amount agreed to represent the final balance due in relation to the captioned matter. As I have told you, we could not have gotten as far as we did with this case without your able assistance. You’re extremely thorough and conscientious review and appraisa4under less than ideal conditions resulted in a most favorable award from the appraisal panel. You overcame numerous obstacles both posed by the "opposition" as well as those posed by our own client, but you did yeoman work despite these problems. What with my impending move within the next year, it is unlikely that I will need your services in the future. However, I would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone who is involved in a similar situation.
Very truly Your's,

– OCTOBER 23, 2003

To Whom It May Concern:
Sorry for your loss, we lost our house, dog, garage, and both cars two days after Christmas. We lost everything we owned except for the clothes on our backs. We tried, for three weeks without a public adjuster. We were worried about getting enough money just to rebuild our house. (We were only insured for what we owned, not what it would cost to rebuild the house the way it was). But the fourth week we hired American Adjusters and because we did, we have a great house now American Adjusters did our contents inventory, with our small help. What a NIGHTMARE that would have been to do on our own!! We received all the money due to us from the insurance company! American Adjusters are well worth the 10%, I know that seems high, it did to us, but in the end it's worth it. THE BEST THING YOU WILL EVER DO IN THIS NIGHTMARE IS HIRE AMERICAN ADJUSTERS. It was for us and yes we would do it again in a heartbeat.

– OCTOBER 15, 2000

I would like for this letter to serve as a reference based on my experience with American Adjusters in 2009. American Adjusters represented me in communications with my insurance company (State Farm) after my home was burglarized and set on fire in late 2009. This was considered a major loss insurance claim. After the fire, there was a myriad of adjusters and others claiming to be concerned with my best interest who attempted to gain my business in the hours & clays after my fire. Fortunately, I waited and after a bit of internet research found American Adjusters. From my very first call to them, they were responsive, empathetic to my situation, and very knowledgeable. In the coming months that they worked with me and my insurance company they remained consistent in this level of attention and care in working, with me during, this very difficult and traumatic time in my life. It is now a little over a year since my fire and their level of promptness, accessibility and helpfulness is as consistent as when I first began working with them. I can't imagine finding, another company with the level of experience and knowledge that they have in handling large and small claims, not to mention their expertise in the processes of insurance companies and personal touch. I'm certain that I would have suffered a great deal financially and would have been in a very disadvantaged position with my insurance company if I would not have found them.
T would highly recommend American Adjusters to anyone and have no problem giving a more detailed reference by phone if needed.



– MAY 20, 2009

To whom it may concern:
On the morning of December 29, 2012,  my second day of wintering in Zephyrhills, FL, I received a call from the tenant of my rental home. I learned the house was on fire. The family escaped unharmed with only the nightclothes they had on, but had no renters insurance, they had a complete loss. I had Rental property insurance with a well known company. I notified my insurance man of twenty-five years and told him of the fire. He assured me he would take care of notifying the insurance company and make sure they gave me an adjuster. The adjuster called shortly after and said he would take care of everything and there would be no need to come home from Florida. Shortly thereafter Craig Trombley from American Adjusters and Appraisers called and explained what he does and how he could help me attain a fair settlement from the Ins. Co. I told him, all my life I have worked with people and could make my way around these types of problems, and 1 would try to handle this by myself. This is where my problems began. After three calls from the Insurance Company’s adjuster I could see I was in over my head. I had a $170,000 fire insurance policy and they offered me $71,000, a week later they upped the offer to $73,000. I told them No Thanks" and called Craig at American Adjusters and appraisers. It was the best call I could have made. To make a long story short, Craig delivered on everything we discussed. It took approximately eight months to get a settlement but I ended up with over $183,000. It was easy to pay Craig after doing such a thorough and complete job. I would highly recommend Craig and his company and would be happy to talk with anyone regarding him and the work he did, I thank him for everything. My name is Joseph T. Burns; my cell number is 810-618-3468

– OCTOBER 29, 2013

Dear Craig and Patti:
We are writing to say how much we appreciated your assistance (and persistence) in dealing with our insurance company after our house suffered major water damage. It was our first experience filing a homeowner's claim, and we’re convinced that without your help we would not have received a fair settlement. We hope that anyone who has to deal with an insurance company will call you first! Thanks again for your help.

– FEBRUARY 19, 2008

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